Dominik Farhan

Matroids: Duality

Let M=(X,S)M = (X, S) be a matroid than we define the dual M=(X,S)M^* = (X, S^*) where S={xxX,B base M:Bx=}S^* = \{ x \mid x \subseteq X, \exists B \text{ base } M: B \cap x = \emptyset\}.

Equivalent to it is the following: the set of basis of MM^* is the set {FXF is a base of M}\{F \mid X \setminus F \text{ is a base of } M\} (then SS is defined as the set of bases + all their subsets).

Theorem (Dual of dual is the original matroid). M=MM^{**} = M.
Solution (Dual of dual is the original matroid)
Proof. Let BSB^{**} \in S^{**} then there is basis BB^* of MM^* such that BB=B^*\cap B^{**} = \emptyset which means that there is a basis of MM for which BXB=B^{**} \cap X \setminus B = \emptyset, which by the definition of a dual matroid is the same as saying that BSB^{**} \in S.
Theorem (Rank of a dual). Let MM^* be the dual matroid then r(A)=Ar(X)+r(XA).r^*(A) = |A| - r(X) + r(X \setminus A).
Solution (Rank of a dual)

Let JAJ\subseteq A be the maximal independent set with regard to SS^*. Let ZXAZ\subseteq X\setminus A be the maximal independent set with regard to SS. Let BB be a basis of MM containing ZZ.

With this, its trivial: r(A)=J=A(BZ)=Ar(X)+r(XA).r^*(A) = |J| = |A| - (|B| - |Z|) = |A| - r(X) + r(X\setminus A).

Definition (circuit). minimal dependent subset of SS with respect to inclusion.
Definition (closed set). AXA\subseteq X is closed if yXA:r(Ay)>r(A)\forall y \in X\setminus A: r(A\cup {y}) > r(A).
Definition (co-circuit). circuit of a dual.
Definition (co-base). base of a dual.
Theorem (Circuits of a graph). Let GG be a graph. For YEY \subset E: YY is cocircuit iff YY is a minimal edge-cut.
Proof (    \implies). Let YY be a cocircuit but let there be base BB such that YB=Y \cap B = \emptyset. However, we know that for any AA AB=A \cap B = \emptyset means that AA is independent in SS^*, hence contradiction.
Proof (\Longleftarrow). Let YY be a minimal edge cut but not cocircuit. Two possibilities. YY is independent in the dual. Then there is base BB of MM which is not intersected by YY -> contradiction. Or YY is not minimal dependent. Then we can remove some yy from YY and the result is still dependent. This result is also a minimal edge-cut (intersects every base) and we have contradiction with minimality of the edge cut.
Corollary. If GG is planar, GG^* geometric dual then M(G)=M(G)M(G^*) = M^*(G).